


SG BPEF letter to Secretary Posts for Providing clear-cut clarification for treatment of absence period from duty during COVID-19 due to Lockdown

_"Vande Mataram"_ 
 *Bharatiya Postal        Employees   Federation* 
T-21,AtulGrove Road, New Delhi-110001. 
No.BPEF/Covid-19/Corr. Dated at New Delhi, the 25/5/2020.

Sri P.K.Bisoi Ji,
Hon'ble Secretary
( Post)
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

 *Subject* :- Request for Providing clear-cut clarification for treatment of absence period from duty during Covid-19 due to Lockdown declaired by Honble Prime Minister of India.

 Respected Sir,
     With due honour I want to bring the following facts for your kind sympathetic consideration that,

1) Many official could not be able to attend offices during the 1st phase of Lockdown w.e.f 25/3/2020. As per announcement of Hon'ble Prime Minister "Jaan hain to Jahan hain" official keep them locked in their home. And intended to work from home. So it is requested to treat the period as duty on those days of 1st phase of Lockdown.

2) After a few days of Lockdown, DoP opened it's offices to provide essential service and offices are opened with skeleton staffs maintaining roaster. Some of the officials though willing but due to Lockdown as the public transportation/conveyance were not available, could not be able to attend office. The Department was also failed to provide vehicle for all of them. So special CL may be granted for the unusual situation on those days of 2nd phase of Lockdown.

3). Some of the officials who left their Head Quarters before Lockdown and could not be able to returned back on their duties for non availability of public transportation may also requested to grant Special CL for the periods of first Lockdown and commuted Leave without Medical Certificate may be granted to all those officials applied for from second phase of Lockdown. 

Sir, actually in some places, the Divisional Heads are making pressure to apply E.L and also adopting the way of disciplinary proceedings which is not proper. 
    Seeing the seriousness of this covid-19 and due to unusual situation during Lockdown, many of the officials who wants to come on duty but couldn't able to do so. 
    Sir, the present situation of covid 19 is abnormal situation so all the matters related to covid-19 should be decided with very cool mind. To give hope at the time of problems to the employees and go for revengeful action in normalcy is not correct. 
     Hence, it is requested to kindly issue some clear cut guidelines to all the head of the Circles for settlement of the absence period  during lockdown. 
     If necessary, an informal discussion with staff side may also be made on urgent basis. 
     We should  not forget that whole country including Government has appreciated the role of Postal Employees. When road was totally empty, only postal employees were working with the front line Covid19 warriors. No Courier service provider was seen on these days. 
    So, it is requested to your kind honor to kindly issue a appropriate guidelines to all Circle heads for settlement of above period of absence from duty as requested above. 

     Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours sincerely,
Santosh Kumar Singh,
Secretary General, BPEF

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