


India Post revised Probation/Confirmation of direct recruits MTS, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade II

Postal Department has now revised the Probation and Confirmation of direct recruits for Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade II. In this letter Department has also clarified that these instructions will be applicable to the officials appointed after issue of these instructions. India Post has also requested to the Circles to take appropriate action as per instruction outlined on Para 4 below. The details is as under

Recruitment rules of Multi Tasking Staff, Postman / Mail Guard and Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants etc. provide successful completion of mandatory training as an essential condition for completion of probation period for direct recruits. Attention is also required to Department of Personal & Training OM No. 28020/1/2010-Estt(C) dated 30.10.2014 in this regard.

2- Instruction regarding probation / confirmation of direct recruits Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants have been issued vide Department of Posts’ letter No. 37-47/2010-SPB-I dated 16.04.2015, letter No. 1-22/2010-Trg dated 22.03.2017 and letter No. W-04/2/2020-SPM-I dated 04.06.2020.

3-Currently direct recruits Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Officials undergo institutional  / induction training at the Postal Training Centers / Regional Training Centers where they have to obtain minimum marks as prescribed by Training Section, in the tests for successfully completion of mandatory training, is a pre-requisite for confirmation.

4- The above, following instructions should be followed into account for successful completion of probation or confirmation in case of direct recruits Multi Tasking Staff, Postman,/Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade II.

a-      It shall be mandatory for all direct recruitee probationers for successful completion of probation period for two years. During the probation period officials shall undergo mandatory training at Postal Training Centers / Regional Training Centers and pass all examination with minimum qualifying marks.

b-      If any probationary direct recruit official is unable to clear the tests held at the Postal Training Centers / Regional Training Centers in his / her first attempt, he / she may be given additional two more chances to pass the tests. All The three chances (including first chance) may be given within the period of two year mandatory probation time. During this period, such type of Officials should not be posted to any sensitive post.

c-       Before giving the third chance to an official, who was failed in first two attempts, he/she should be given a written warning to the effect that the failure of official in mandatory tests does not justify his/her confirmation in the service, unless he/she has shown substantial improvement within a specified period and clears the test, the issue of terminating him/her from service should be considered.

d-      If any official is still unable to clear the tests in three attempts within tow years’ probation period, the probation period in his / her case will be extended by six months during which time he / she shall have to mandatorily pass the tests. For such officials, a qualifying test will also be introduced which will be in addition to the existing tests,  whose probation period has been extended by six months due to failure to pass the tests.

e-      In case the official passes required tests and also performed satisfactorily during the entire probation period including extension also, he / she shall be declared to have successfully completed probation period then he/she shall be confirmed in service by the Departmental Confirmation Committee.

f-       If any official fails in the tests and or does not pass the qualifying test, the services of such temporary direct recruit officials shall be terminated.

Probation confirmation of direct recruitment

Probation confirmation of direct recruitment

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