


Procedure for selection to the cadre of Inspector Posts through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE)


No.  X·7/15/2021·SPN·JI(Pt.)

Government of' India Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts (Personnel Division)



Dak Bbawan, Sansad Marg

New Delhi - 11 0 001

Dated: 17 May, 2022


                                    1.  All Chief Postmaster General

2. Chief General Manager, PLI / Parcel / BD Directorate

 3. Director RAKNPA I Director of all PTCs

4.  Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service

5. All General Manager (Finance) / Director Postal Accounts I DDAP


Subject: Procedure for selection to the cadre of Inspector Posts through Limited Departental Competitive Examination (LDCE) - reg.

 Madam/Sir ,

     This is regarding change in procedure for selection to the cadre of Inspector Posts through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE). Existing provision as available in para 8 of Rule 279/1 of Postal Manual Volume IV has been reviewed and with approval of the competent authority it has been decided that from the recruitment year 2022 onwards, i.e for vacancies arising on or after 01.01.2022, vacancy for LDCE of Inspector Posts shall be notified on all-India level and a common merit list shall be drawn corresponding to the vacancy notified by Directorate.

 2.                 Accordingly, following procedure shall be adopted for conduct of LDCE for Inspector Posts and declaration of result thereof :-

 (i)     All Postal Circle shall report category wise vacancy separately for each Recruitment year in the cadre of Inspector Posts earmarked for filling up through LDCE to Postal Directorate.

 (ii)     Directorate shall compile the vacancies reported from all Postal Circles for relevant recruitment year and notify category-wise combined vacancy at all India level, separately for each Recruitment year (in case LDCE is being conducted for more than one recruitment year).

 (iii)       All 'eligible feeder grade officials, as prescribed in Recruitment Rules of Inspector Posts, of all Postal Circles shall be allowed to appear in LDCE for Inspector Posts irrespective of availability of vacancy in a Postal Circle.

 (iv) Officials while submitting application· for appearing  in  LDCE  for Inspector Posts shall also provide order of preference of all 23 Postal Circles, Which all form the base for allocation of Postal Circle to successful candidates. Preference(s) once exercised shall be final and no change shall eb entertained at any subsequent stage.

 (v) Postal Directorate shall   prepare a common merit list of all officials appeared in LDCE FOR Inspector Posts

 (vi)     Based on common merit list, Directorate shall publish list of successful candidates corresponding to the vacancies notified. In case, LDCE has been conducted for more than one recruitment year, list of successful official(s) shall be published separately for each recruitment year corresponding to the vacancies notified.

 (vii)   In case of LDCE for more than one recruitment year, an official declared successful against any of the recruitment year shall not be considered for subsequent year, even if he will be in position to secure desired Circle  of posting, had he/she been considered for subsequent recruitment year.

 (viii) Officials declared successful in LDCE for Inspector Posts shall be allocated to Postal Circles on 'merit-cum-preference' basis w.r.t. order of preference exercised by them while submitting application  for appearing  in LDCE for Inspector Posts.

 (ix)     After allotment, Circle concerned will take further necessary action for appointment posting of candidates selected under LDCE.

(x)  Other instructions related to Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, as issued from time to time, shall be kept in consideration.

 3.   The provision as mentioned in para 8 of Rule 279/1 of Postal Manual Volume IV will stand modified to the extent of above mentioned procedure.

 4.  This may be brought to notice of all concerned for compliance.

                                                                                             Yours faithfully,

Assistant Director General (SPN)


Copy to:-                                                                                                                     '

a)    Sr. PPS / PSO to Secretary (Posts) /Director General Postal Services

b)   PPS/PS to Addi. Director General (Coordin a tion) / Members of Po's, t.a l Services Board           .

c)   Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, Department of Posts

d)   Sr. DDG(PAF) I Sr. DDG(Vig) & CVO, Department of Posts

e)      Director  (DE),  Dak  Bhawan   for  information   and   necessary.  action  _  Web­ a pp_lic a t ion  designed  for ,  btaining  applica lion  for LDCE  may  be  m;odi[jed  to  the extant   required.    -'      · ··

f)   All    recognized service Federation  in Department  of Posts                         _.     .."

) Portal Upload, CEPT with request to u ploa d this document on India Po'st g   .        ·'· '·,

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