[to be published in the Gazettee of
India, Part I, Section I ]
Government of India
(Bharat Sarkar)
Department of------- …………….. Vibhag)
The Government of India have had
under consideration the question of further improving efficiency of the
departments and services concerned with the collection of revenue. As a first
step in that direction the President has been pleased, under the powers vested
in him by provision to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, to decide that
a Class I Central service to be known as ‘India Revenue Service’ should be
constituted with effect from ………………………….
Secretary to the Government of India
ORDERED that a copy of the resolution be
communicated to …………………………
ORDERED also that the resolution be
published I the Gazette of India for general information.
Secretary to the Government of India
The Manager,
Government of India Press,
(Bharat Sarkar)