1. Categories
of Foreign postal articles are
a) Letter
post & Parcel post b) Airmail & Sea mail
c) Registration
post & Ins post d) All of the above Ans:a(1)
2. The
abbreviation ‘UPU’ stands for
a) United
Postal Union b) Universal postal union
c) United
Pacific Union d) None of these Ans: b(3)
3. Asian
Oceanic Postal Union is having its head
quarter at
a) Dacca b) New
c) Singapore d) Mannilla(Phillipines) Ans:d(4)
4. India
joined the AOPU in the year
a) 1970 b) 1975
c) 1978 d) 1973 Ans:
5. The
fee for special services Registration acknowledge, insurance certificate of
posting and late fee are
a) Not
uniform for all destination
b) Uniform
for all destinations
c) Of two different rates on for western
countries and another for eastern
d) None
of these Ans:
6. AD
a) Acknowledgement
due b) Advice of delivery
c) Actual
Delivery d) None of these Ans: b(7)
7. Label
size of foreign article is min & postage paid words should not be less than
a) 70mm
X 100mm & 300sq mm b) 50mm X 80mm & 200sq mm
c) 25mm
X 50 mm & 100 sq mm d) None of these Ans:
8. The
delivery of a foreign article in the country of destination
a) Varies
from country to country b) Uniform all over
c) As
desired by the sender d) None of these Ans: a(14)
9. Mark
the correct option:
a) Rate applicable for
recall of foreign article in case letter 10gm & Telegraph 15 words
b) The
fee paid for the recall will not be refunded under any circumstances
c) Weight more than 500gm a warehousing
charge at the rate per day
commencing from
eight day, shall be collected from the addressee at the time of delivery.
d) All
the above are correct Ans: d(16-18)
10. Article
except VP addressed as “ Postal Restante” are detained in the PO
of delivery for the period not exceeding
a) Seven
days b) Three month
c) One
month d) Fifteen days Ans: c(18)
11. Mark
the correct option:
a) Surface mail items
received from any country for delivery in India
may be redirected to any place within India .
b) First class mail
surcharge or un surcharged are eligible for free redirection by air within India
c) Surface mail
received for delivery in India
from any country not applying reduced charges for India may be redirected to another
country by the surface mail without any charge for the redirection.
d) All of the above
are correct Ans:
12. Mark
the correct option
a) Surface mail
received for delivery in India
from a country India
may be redirected by the surface mail to any country on payment if dispatched to its new
b) If the above charge
not paid before redirection, it will be treated as insufficiently paid & tax equal to difference in postage
(notdouble) to be collected at the time of delivery
c) a and b are correct d) None of these correct Ans: c(19)
13. Mark
correct option related to official postal articles
a) The rules relating
to private correspondence apply equally to official postal article
b) Service stamps can be used for prepayin
outward official foreign mail but the
postage due on inward foreign mail addressed to Govt officers cannot
be paid by means of service stamps
c) All of above are correct d) None of these are correct Ans:
14. Correspondence
for personnel of the Indian Armed Forces serving outside India addressed to the Indian Army PO .
a) Should
be prepaid as air article b) Should be prepaid as if SAL
c) Should
be prepaid as inland article for all purpose
d) None of aboveAns: c(22)
15. The max
weight of an Airmail letter should not exceed
a) 4
Kg b) 5 Kg
c) 2
Kg d) 1 Kg Ans:c(26)
16. Dimensions
of Postcards is
Max 100 X 150 mm & min 80 X 140 mm
b) Max 105 X 149 mm &
min 90 X 140 mm
c) Max 150 X 200 mm &
min 70X 140 mm
d) None of these Ans:
17. Mark
incorrect option related to Postcard
a) Should
not be folded, cut or altered and should be sent unenclosed
b) Breach the conditions may be treated as
letter and postage will be taxed
c) Unpaid
and insufficiently paid postcards are forwarded taxed with double the
d) The
amount recovered from sender after the
delivery. Ans:
18. The
corresponding inland post service to the printed paper service in the foreign
post is
a) Pattern and sample
packet b) Registered News paper
c) Book packet service d) None of these Ans: c(34a)
19. The
following items may be sent as printed papers through book packet
a) Manuscripts
of works or for newpaper
b) Musical
scores or sheets of music in manuscript.
c) Papers
obtained by means of a typewriter of any type
d) films
and sound recording e) a & b only Ans:e(34)
20. Mark
correct option related to packet of regd news paper
a) Breach
of conditions the packet will not be forwarded but will be returned to
b) Sender
will be required to pay double deficiency in the internal postage
c) If the sender wish to repost the
article after complying with necessary
conditions, he may do so by paying fresh postage in full
on the article.
d) All
the above are correct Ans:
21. Mark
correct option related to bulk bag system under foreign post
a) Application
for bulk bag facility should be made to Head of the circle
b) Special bags of printed newspaper
to/from addressees/sender in foreign
countries except ceylon ,
Nepal , Bhutan and Pakistan may be send.
c)Bulk bag may
be sent either as unregistered or registered.
The sender of such bags will
deposit the amount in cash or POSB certificate pledged to Head of the circle.
e) All the above are correct Ans:
22. Mark correct option
a) A small packet should not exceed 1 Kg
in weight.
b) Small packet exceeding 500 gm is
subject to a delivery fee payable by the addressee at the time of delivery.
c) Small packet not conforming to the
conditions will be returned to the sender and will be charged at double the
deficiency for a rate applicable in the inland post.
d) All of the above are correct Ans:
23. The fee for a blind
literature packet to be air lifted to a foreign county is
a) Air surcharge as applicable to letter
post b) Free of charge
c) Air surcharge as applicable to printed
paper d) None of above Ans:
24. Foreign post manual
the terms L.C means
a) Letter card b) Letter category
c) Letters and Cards d) None of these Ans: c(57)
25. Foreign post manual
the terms A.O means
a) Accounts office of the foreign country b) Other subjects
c) Administrative office of the foreign
country d) None of these Ans: c(57)
26. In the foreign post for the purpose of fixing surcharges and
combined charges all the countries and territories are divided into
a) Six groups b) Seven groups
c) Five groups d) Eight groups Ans:
27. The aerogramme in foreign post is a category intended for
transmission exclusively by air and the corresponding category in inland post
a) Inland letter card b) Oblong envelope
c) No corresponding category d) None
of the above Ans: a(58)
28. The min and max size permissible for folded aerogramme is
a) 100 X 140 & 120 X 120 b) 90 X 140 & 110 X 120
c) 80 X 140 & 100 X 120 d) None of the above Ans:
29. An aerogramme should not weigh more than
a) 3 gms b) 5 gms
c) 10 gms d) None of the above Ans: a(58)
30. Mark correct option related to unpaid and insufficiently paid
airmail articles
a) In case letters, cards and aerogrammes
if postage paid least 75% of the surcharge(letter) or combined charge (PC&
aerogramme) will be forwarded and taxed
double deficiency at the time of delivery.
b) In case postage paid less than 75% of
the surcharge or combined charge the
will be dispatched through
c) The charge collected from addressee at
the time of delivery
d) All of the above are correct Ans:
31. Compensation of letter and bulk bag of foreign articles are
a) 220(60 gold francs) & 1110( 300
gold francs)
b) 110(60 gold francs) & 1110( 300
gold francs)
c) 200(60 gold francs) & 1000( 300
gold francs)
d) None of the above Ans:
32. If an unpaid or under paid registered article under foreign
post is tendered at the counter
a) I t cannot be registered and refused.
b) It can be registered with an note that
the deficiency would be collected from
c) It has to be handed over to the PM for
his disposal
d) None of the above Ans;
33. No liability is also accepted for the loss of registered
articles in the following cases
a) In circumstanced beyond the control.
b) When disposal of the article cannot be
traced due to destruction of records in circumstances beyond the control
c) If the item
contained anything which is prohibited from transmission by post
d) When sender has not
made complaint within one year.
e) All of the above Ans:
34. The
limit adopted in India
for booking air insured letter is
a) 20000 b) 5000
c) 10000 d) 100000 Ans:c(77)
35. Insured
boxes dimensions and weight limit is
a) Max
200X200X100, min as per letter & 2 Kg
a) Max
300X200X100, min as per letter & 1 Kg
a) Max 100X200X100, min
as per letter & 4 Kg
a) None of the above Ans:
36. Under
foreign post article containing perishable biological substances can be
accepted for sending
a) At
all Gazetted Head post offices only
b) At
all the GPOs situated at the HQ of the circle
c) At
Indian council of Medical research, New
d) All
the above Ans:
37. Mark
incorrect option related to international reply coupons
a) Not
more than 10 International reply coupon or 30 commonwealth reply coupon will be
sold to any one individual at any time.
b) The coupons can be
exchanged in any country which is a member of the UPU
c) Reply coupons are
intended to enable senders to prepay for a reply.
d) Reply coupons are
free of cost Ans:
38. Under
foreign post the international parcel post service with Pakistan and India is carried based on
a) The
UPU parcel post agreement. b) By-lateral agreement
c) A
special bilateral agreement d) None of the above Ans: c(94)
39. The min
and max dimension of a foreign parcel prescribed is
a) 100
X 140 & 1mtr X 2 mtr b) 90 X 140 & 1.5mtr X 2 mtr
c) 90
X 140 & 1mtr X 2 mtr d) None of the above Ans: c(96)
40. The
general maximum limit of weight for a foreign parcel is
a) 25
Kg b) 30 Kg
c) 10
Kg d) 20 Kg Ans:
41. Generally
air parcels are subject to the lower limit of weight of
a) 25
Kg b) 30 Kg
c) 10
Kg d) 20 Kg Ans:
42. If the
addressee of an inward foreign parcel wants to take delivery of his parcel at
the office of exchange
a) It
will be refused as there is no provision in the rule
b) It
has to be approved by the D section of the directorate
c) The addressee has to call on the office
of exchange with all the documents
including proof of his identity
d) None
of the above Ans:
43. When an
insured foreign parcel is redirected form one country to the another .
a) No
additional insurance fee is to be levied
b) Half
of the original insurance fee is to levied for such transmissions
c) A
fresh insurance fee become payable for each such transmission
d) None
of the above Ans:c(121a)
44. A money
order returned from a foreign country of payment as not payable
a) The
sender will paid the value of the money order as actually paid in Indian
currency at the time of issue without the commission
originally collected.
b) The
sender will be paid the value of the MO+
c) The
sender will be paid half the value of the MO without the MO commission
d) The
sender will be paid the value of the MO and half commission. Ans: a(140)
45. The
request a purchase of British Postal Order for repayment
a) Cannot
be accepted
b) Can be accepted if presented at the PO from which it was purchased a/w
c) Can
be accepted any post office in India
d) None
of these Ans:b(168)
46. Mark
correct options
a) COD
means Cash-on-Delevery
b) Under
COD system may be exchanged VP parcel
c) VP letter, Parcel & COD parcel may
be insured in accordance with the
d) All of the above are
correct Ans: d(174-177)
47. The
customs control based on the Indians customs act 1962 is for
a) The
imposition of export or import duties
b) For
ensuring the observance of the provisions of import and export control act
c) For
ensuring the observation of foreign exchange regulation act
d) All
of the above Ans:
48. Mark
correct option
a) Custom
declaration from filled in duplicate
b) Custom declaration from are two types
i) Treen custom label(C-1) ii)
c) Custom declaration form is filled by
d) All of above are correct Ans:
49. The
customs control is primarily exercised at
a) The
point of entry b) The point of exit
c) Foreign
post office d) All the above Ans:d(180)
50. Articles
liable to export duty are detained at the outward office of exchange and the
sender is informed regarding the payment of duty
a) By
the office of exchange b) By
the custom authorities directly
c) By
the head office of the circle concerned
d) All of the above Ans: b(182)
51. An
assessment memo accompanies
a) Only
the inward foreign parcels on which duty is assessed
b) All
inward foreign parcels even if no duty is assessed on it.
c) All
inward foreign parcels weighing more than 10 KG
d) None
of the above Ans:
52. Foreign
post office giver a new serial number to any inward foreign parcel
a) When
subjected to customs and duty is assessed
b) When subjected to customs immaterial of
the fact whether duty is assessed or
c) When
subjected to customs and if the parcel weight more than 10 Kg
d) All
of the above Ans:
53. If
postal articles already booked are detained, confiscated according to the law
the one who is to take responsibilities for it is
a) The sender or the
addressee b) The PO
of booking
c) The PO of delivery d) Dept of post Ans: a(188)
54. Complaints
and enquires regarding articles of letter mail and parcel mail in foreign post
must be submitted before he lapse of
a) 3
years counting from the day following the day on which the article was posted
b) 2
years counting from the day following the day on which the article was posted
c) 1
years counting from the day following the day on which the article was posted
d) 6 month counting from the day following
the day on which the article was
posted Ans: c(200a)
55. Complaints
concerning foreign MOs must be made within a period of
a) 3
months from the date of issue b) Six month from the date of issue
c) 1 year from the date of issue d) 2
year from the date of issue
56. Enquiries
regarding BPO & IPO will be normally considered if made
a) Within
6 month from the date of purchase of the order
b) Within
1 year from the date of purchase of the order
c) Within
1 1/2 year from the date of purchase of the orde
d) None
of the above Ans: