


SG BPEF Santosh Singh Written Letter to BMS against DA Freezing Order of Government

*Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation*  (BMS)

T-21,AtulGrove Road, New Delhi-110001

 No. BPEF/Carona/ Epidemic/Corr                                                                                              dated 23/4/2020.

Respected Shri
Virjesh Upadhyay Ji,
Honble General Secretary,
BMS, New Delhi.

Subject :- Govt.Order to freeze DA.

Respected Sir, 

     The undersigned has received your message yesterday and the same was discussed with the President & Secretary BPEF alongwith all our General Secretaries who gave their views as follows.
1) The members of this Federation has showed their soliditary in this crutial period of our mother land continuously without thinking about their life and family and fighting war against this Corona (Covid 19) epidemic in the name of essential service.  The Hon'ble Prime Minister should acknowledge this without any hesitations. He should kindly appeal to all employee directly through social media stating the facts of present financial situation of the country.

2) The employees who are going to retire during this period may be effected in their Pensionery benefit. So the order may be modified as per suggetions by BMS and the message should be circulated to all employees about the positive action taken by BMS.

3). All the members of this Federation gave their willingness for contributing one day salary to PM Cares fund at the very first day when other members of rival unions gave their objection in this regard. And for this, a large no. of employees didn't give up their one day salary.

4). A large number of non gazetted employees are running with heavy loans and forcefully freezing the D.A will hamper their family life very badly. 

5).As per present order, every employee will pay near about 1 lakh  and after the DA of July it will be more than 25 percent and as per recommendations of 7th CPC, it should be merged but due to this order, it will be affected.
     We all are willing to work for our country but also be paid for the work.
      Hence it is requested to please give objection to the Government and give an alternative to modify the same.

Yours Sincerely,
Santosh Kr. Singh,
Secretary General, BPEF

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