National office bearers’ web-meeting held on 13 May 2020 strongly condemned the
total withdrawal of labour laws in UP, MP and Gujrat. States like Rajasthan, as
well as the increase in working hours by Maharashtra, Goa and Odisha. The
working hours have been increased from 8 to 12 hours. It is learnt that many
other states are readying to follow the trend. This is unheard in history and
is rare even in most undemocratic countries. BMS State Units have written to
State Chief Ministers but only CM of MP has shown the courtesy to meet BMS
worker’s issues have aggravated mainly because there is gross violation of
Migrant labour act by most of states. Hence we are pushed to the wall and there
is no other way out except going for agitation.
Hence BMS
decided Nation Wide Agitation in Solidarity with the fight against the
anti-worker Ordinances in UP, MP, Gujrat as well as increase of working hours
in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Goa and Odisha.
meeting also discussed pandemic situation due to COVID-19 and effects on
various sectors. It welcomed the Package declared by the Prime Minister Sri
Narendra Modi ji and the details announced in the first stage by the Finance
Office bearers congratulated BMS district level workers who were involved in
one of the largest service activities supporting the labour in various ways. In
many states contractors or employers or agencies did not pay salary or wages
for the month of April 2020. IN addition, crores
workers have lost their jobs.
Hence BMS
national office bearers meeting had decided the following actions plans :
16.05.2020 to 18-5-2020- Send letters to District authorities on local issues by district secretaries
by local unions, state level unions, federations on issues like payment of
wages, job losses, relief measures to unregistered workers, migrant workers,
self employed workers, private transport workers, on welfare boards for non
renewal of members, representing Stranded migrant labour problems in their respective
districts, opposing increase in working hours.
Nationwide protest Day: Demonstrations at Taluka centre/District
center/ industrial estate by maintaining social distance: On freezing labour
laws and increasing working hours in various states, on migrant workers issues,
payment of wages, job losses, increase in working hours and also demand job
opportunity for unorganized sector, contract workers of
organised sector.
30th and 31st
May 2020- State/ Industry/ Company/sector level conventions on workers demands
and also demanding withdrawal of labour laws freezing.