1. The Indian Penal Code come into force
a) 06 Oct 1860 b) 01 Mar 1974
c) 01 Apr 1974 d) 01 Jan 1862 Ans:d
2. Indian penal code enacted in
a) 25 Jan 1974 b) 06 Oct 1860
c) 01 Jan 1973 d) None of these Ans:b
3. Indian penal code 1860 Consists
584 Sections, 5 Schedules &
5 chapters
511 Sections, 23 chapter
156 Sections, 3 Schedules
None of these Ans:b
4. Indian penal code 1860 was drafted by
a) Braodmon b) Macaulay
c) Lilly d) None of these Ans:b
5. The Indian penal code 1860 extends to
Whole India
Whole India except
Nagaland , tribal area & Jammu
and Kashmir
Whole India
except Nagaland , tribal area
Whole India except Jammu and Kashmir Ans:d
6. Punishment of offences committed within
every person shall be liable to punishment under this code and not otherwise
for every act or omission defined in __ sec of IPC
a) 1 b) 3
c) 2 d) 4 Ans:c
7. Any
persons committed and office in out side of india
Shall be dealt with as foreign law.
Shall be dealt with as per foreign law with permission of the country
Shall be dealt with according to the provisions of this code for any act
committed beyond India in
the same manner as if such had been committed within India
None of these Ans:c(3)
8. General
explanation defined in sec_____of IPC
a) 4 b) 5
c) 7 d) 6 Ans:d
9. General
exception of this code provides that nothing shall be an offence which is done
a) Under
18 years b) Under 16 years
c) Under
10 years d) Under 7 years Ans:d(6)
10. The
following persons are not judge
A collector
A magistrate exercising jurisdiction in /ro a charge on which he has
power to sentence to fine or imprisonment, with or without appeal
A member of a panchayat which has power under regulation VII of madras
A Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in respect of a charge on which he
has power only to commit for trial to another court. Ans:d(19)
11. Court
of justice defined in sec_____ IPC
a) 14 b) 15
c) 17 d) 21 Ans:d
12. Public
servant denote a person under the followings
Every commissioned officer in military, naval or air forces
Every judge incl any persons empowered by law to discharge
Liquidator, Juryman, assessor, or member of panchayat
Every arbitrator .
All the above Ans:e)(21)
13. 'Wrongful
gain' means
a) Gain by lawful means of property which
the person gaining is not entitled
b) Gain by unlawful means of property
which the person gaining is not entitled
c) Gain by unlawful means of property
which the person gaining is entitled
d) All the above. Ans:b(23)
14. 'Wrongful loss' means
a) Loss by unlawful means of property
which the person losing it, is legally entitled
b) Loss by lawful means of property
which the person losing it is not legally entitled
c) Loss by lawful means of property which
the person losing is not legally entitled
d) All
the above Ans:a(23)
15. 'Dishonestly' has been defined as doing anything with intention to cause
wrongful gain to one person & wrongful loss to another, under
(a) section 21 (b)
section 23
(c) section 24 (d)
section 25. Ans:C
'Fraudulently' has been defined as doing anything with intent to defraud
(a) section 23 (b)
section 25
(c) section 24 (d) section 26. Ans:B
17. The following is a document
a) A cheque upon a banker is an document
b) A power of attorney is a document
c) A map or plan which is intended to be
used or which may be used as evidence
d) All the above Ans:d(29)
18. The
certificates which are found as forged for being admitted in the college could
be described as valuable security
Mahinder choudhary v. state of Andrapradesh
Keshav barathi v. state of maharashtra
Kansaheb Kalu Patil v. state of maharashtra
None of these Ans:c(30)
19. When a criminal act is
done by several persons in furtherance of the common intention of all
(a) Each of such person is
liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone
(b) Each of such person is liable for his own
overt act
(c) Each of such person
shall be liable according to the extent of his participation in the crime
(d) Both (b) & (c). Ans:a(34)
20. To establish section 34 of IPC
(a) Common intention be proved but not overt
act be proved
(b) Common intention and overt act both be
(c) Common intention need not be proved but
overt act be proved
(d) All the above.
21. Section
34 of IPC
(a) Creates a substantive offence
(b) Is a rule of evidence
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b).
22. The
burden lies on prosecution to prove that actual participation of more that one
person for commission of criminal act was done in furtherance of common
intention at a prior concert.
State of orissa v. Arjun Das,
Keshav barathi v. state of maharashtra
Kansaheb Kalu Patil v. state of maharashtra
None of these Ans:a(34)
23. Effect caused partly by act and partly by
omission is
The effect caused partly by act is offence
The effect caused partly by omission is offence
Both a & b
Neither a nor b Ans:c(36)
24. A intentionally causes Z’s death, partly
by illegally omitting to give Z food, and partly by beating Z.
A has partly committed murder
A has committed murder
Both a and b
Neither a nor b Ans:b(36)
25. .'Voluntarily' has been defined as an effect caused by means whereby a
person intended to cause it or by means, at the time of employing those means,
know or had reason to believe to be likely to cause it under
(a) Section 39 (b)
Section 38
(c) Section 37 (d) Section 40. Ans:a
26. Offence defined in sec _____of IPC
(a) Section 39 (b)
Section 38
(c) Section 37 (d) Section 40. Ans:d
27. Under section 45 of IPC,
life denotes
(a) Life of a human being
(b) Life of an animal
(c) Life of human being and of an animal
(d) Life of either human being or animal. Ans:a
28. Under
section 46 of IPC, death denotes
(a) Death of a human being
(b) Death of an animal
(c) Death of a human being and of an animal both
(d) Death of either human being or an animal. Ans:a
29. Illegal
(a) Everything which is an offence
(b) Everything which is prohibited by law
(c) Everything which furnishes ground for
civil action
(d) All the above. Ans:b(43)
30. Animal
(a) Any living creature including human being
(b) Any living creature other than a human
(c) Any creature - live or dead
(d) Either (a) or (c). Ans:b(47)
31. How many types of punishments have been prescribed under the
Indian Penal Code
(a) Three (b)
(c) Five (d)
Four. Ans:c(53)
32. The punishments to which offenders are
liable under the provisions of this code are
a) Death and
Imprisonment for life
b) Imprisonment rigorous and simple
c) Forfeiture of property and fine
d) All the above Ans:d(53)
33. Transportation for life, be construed as
a reference to
a) Death b) Forfeiture of property
c) Imprisonment for life d) None of these Ans:c(53A)
34. In every case in
which sentence of imprisonment for life shall have been passed, the appropriate
Government may, without the consent of the offender, commute the punishment for
imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding
a) 20 years b) 12 years
c) 14 years d) 18 years Ans:c(55)
35. In calculating fractions of terms of punishment, imprisonment for life
shall be reckoned as equivalent to 4[imprisonment]
a) 20 years b) 12 years
c) 14 years d) 18 years Ans:a(57)
36. Under section 60 of IPC, in certain cases of imprisonment, the
sentence of imprisonment
(a) Has to be wholly rigorous (b) Has to be wholly simple
(c) Wholly or partly rigorous or simple (d) either
(a) or (b). Ans:c(60)
37. The amount of fine which offender is
liable is
a) Rs 25000/- b) Unlimited
c) Unlimited but shall no be expensive d) None
of these Ans:c(63)
38. Sentence of imprisonment for non-payment of fine under section
64 of IPC
(a) Shall be in excess of any
other imprisonment to which an offender has been sentenced
(b) Shall be concurrent of any other
(c) Shall not be in excess of any other
(d) Both (b) & (c). Ans:a(64)
39. In
every case of offence offender punished
a) With imprisonment only b) With fine only
c) With imprisonment or fine or both d) None of these Ans:c(64)
40. Under section 65 of IPC sentence of
imprisonment for non-payment of fine shall be limited to
(a) One-third of the maximum term of
imprisonment fixed for the offence
(b) One-fourth of the maximum term of
imprisonment fixed for the offence
(c) One-half of the maximum term of
imprisonment fixed for the offence
(d) Equal to the maximum term of imprisonment
fixed for the offence. Ans:b(65)
41. In case of an offence punished with
fine only, imprisonment for non-payment of fine
(a) Has to be rigorous
(b) Has to be simple
(c) Has be rigorous or simple
(d) Has be partly rigorous and partly simple. Ans:b(67)
42. In case of an offence punished with
fine only, an offender who is sentenced to pay a fine of not exceeding Rs. 50,
the imprisonment in default of payment of fine shall not exceed
(a) Two months (b) Three months
(c) Four months (d) Six months. Ans:a(67)
43. In
case of an offence punished with fine only, an offender who is sentenced to pay
a fine of not exceeding Rs. 100 but exceeding Rs. 50, the imprisonment in
default of payment of fine shall not exceed
(a) Two months (b) Three months
(c) Four months (d) Six months. Ans:c(67)
44. In
case of an offence punished with fine only, an offender who is sentenced to pay
a fine exceeding Rs. 100, the imprisonment in default of payment of fine shall
not exceed
(a) Two months (b) Three months
(c) Four months (d) Six months. Ans:d(67)
45. Section 64 of IPC provides for
(a) Nature & maximum limit of imprisonment for non-payment of
(b) Nature & minimum limit
of imprisonment for non-payment of fine
(c) Nature but does not
prescribe any limit of imprisonment for non-payment of fine
(d) Limit of imprisonment for
non-payment of fine but does not prescribe the nature of imprisonment. Ans:c(64)
46. Imprisonment for non-payment of
fine shall terminate
(a) On payment of fine
(b) On expiry of the term of imprisonment for
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b). Ans:
47. In case of imprisonment for
non-payment of fine, if a part of the fine is paid, such sentence
(a) Shall be reduced proportionately
(b) Shall not be reduced in direct proportion
to the fine paid
(c) Shall be reduced but
subject to the discretion of the court as to the quantum of reduction
(d) All of the above. Ans:a(69)
48. Punishment of offence made up of several
offence is
a) Offender shall be punished with a more
severe punishment.
b) Offender shall be punished with any one
of such offences
c) Offender shall be punished with all
offence one by one
d) None of these Ans:b(71)
49. In all cases in which judgment is
given that a person is guilty of one of several offences specified in the
judgment, but that it is doubtful of which of these offences he is guilty, the
offender shall be punished for the offence
a) For which the lowest punishment
is provided if the same punishment is
not provided for all
b) For which the highest punishment is
provided if the same punishment is not provided for all
c) Shall be reduced but
subject to the discretion of the court as to the quantum of reduction
d) None of the above Ans:a(72)
50. Section 73 of IPC provides for the
maximum limit of solitary confinement to be
(a) One year (b)
Two years
(c) Three months (d) Six months. Ans:c(73)
51. If
an offender has been sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding six months, the
solitary confinement
(a) Shall not exceed 15 days (b) Shall not exceed one month
(c) Shall not exceed two months (d) Shall not exceed forty-five days.
52. If
an offender is sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding six months but
not exceeding one year, the term of solitary confinement
(a) Shall not exceed 15 days (b) Shall not exceed one month
(c) Shall not exceed two months (d) Shall not exceed forty-five days.
53. If
an offender is sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, the
term of solitary confinement shall not exceed
(a) Shall not exceed three month (b) Shall not exceed one month
(c) Shall not exceed two months (d) Shall not exceed forty-five days.
54. Mark the correct option
a) In executing a sentence of solitary
confinement such confinement shall in no case exceed fourteen days at a time.
b) When the imprisonment awarded shall
exceed three moth the solitary confinement shall not exceed seven
day in any one month of the whole imprisonment
Both a and b are correct
Neither a nor b or correct Ans:c(74)
55. Enhanced punishment for certain offence under Chapter XII or Chapter
XVII after previous conviction
a) 3 years upwards b) 4 year upwards
c) 1 year upwards d) None of these Ans:a(75)
56. Nothing is said to be done or believed to be done in good faith
which is done or believed without due care & intention - is the definition
of good faith contained in
(a) Section 29 of IPC (b) Section 29A of IPC
(c) Section 52 of IPC (d) Ssection 52A of IPC. Ans:c
57. General
exceptions are contained in
(a) Chapter III of IPC (b) Chapter IV of IPC
(c) Chapter V of IPC (d) Chapter VI of IPC. Ans:b
58. Of
offences by or relating to public servants defined in ____ of IPC
a) Chapter
IX b) Chapter X
c) Chapter
XII d) Chapter XIII Ans:a
59. Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person
shall be punished with
Simple imprisonment for a term which may be
extend one year
Punished with fine
A or B or
None of these Ans:c(166)
60. Mark the correct option relating to Public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury
Shall be punished for a term which may extend to
3 years or with fine or both.
This is cognizable case and bailable
Both the a & b are correct
Neither A nor
B Ans:c(167)
61. Public
servant unlawfully engaging in trade may be punished with
Simple imprisonment for a term which may be
extend 1 year or with fine or both
Simple imprisonment for a term which may be
extend 2 year or with fine or both
Simple imprisonment for a term which may be
extend 3 year or with fine or both
None of these Ans:a(168)
62. Whoever, being a
public servant, and being legally bound as such public servant, not to purchase
or bid for certain property, purchases or bids for that property, either in his
own name or in the name of another, or jointly, or in shares with others, shall
be punished with
Simple imprisonment for a term which may be
extend 1 year or with fine or both
Simple imprisonment for a term which may be
extend 2 year or with fine or both
Simple imprisonment for a term which may be
extend 3 year or with fine or both
None of these Ans:b(169)
63. Personating
a public servant shall be punished with(Cognizable non bailable)
Imprisonment for a term which may be extend 2
years or with fine or both
Imprisonment for a term which may be extend 3
years or with fine or both
Either A or B at the discretion of the court
None of these Ans:a(170)
64. Wearing
garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent intend
a) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 2 years or with fine or both
b) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 3 years or with fine or both
c) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 3 month or with fine which may
be extend to two hundred rupees or with both
(cognizable bailable)
d) None of
these Ans:c(171)
65. Of
contempts of the lawful authority of public servants defined in___ of IPC
a) Chapter
IX b) Chapter X
c) Chapter
XII d) Chapter XIII Ans:b
66. Whoever absconds in
order to avoid being served with a summons, notice or order proceeding from any
public servant legally competent shall be punished with
a) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 1 month or with fine which may
be extend
to five hundred rupees or with both
b) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 3 month or with fine which may
be extend
to five hundred rupees or with both
c) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 6 month or with fine which may
be extend
to five hundred rupees or with both
d) None of these Ans:a(172)
67. If the summons or notice or order is to
attend in person or by agent, or to produce a document or an electronic record
in a court of justice.
a) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 1 month or with fine which may
be extend
to five hundred rupees or with both
b) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 3 month or with fine which may
be extend
to five hundred rupees or with both
c) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 6 month or with fine which may
be extend
to one thousand rupees or with both
d) None of these Ans:c(172)
68. Preventing service
of summons or other proceeding, or preventing publication thereof or intentionally prevents the lawful affixing to
any place of any such summons, notice or order, or intentionally removes any
such summons, notice or order from any place to which it is lawfully affixed
shall be punished
a) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 1 month or with fine which may
be extend
to five hundred rupees or with both
b) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 3 month or with fine which may
be extend
to five hundred rupees or with both
c) Imprisonment
for a term which may be extend 6 month or with fine which may
be extend
to one thousand rupees or with both
d) None of these Ans:a(173)
69. Mark the correct option
a) Non-attendance in obedience to an order from
public servant shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or
with both
b) Non appearance in
response to a proclamation under section 82
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 year or with fine or both
c) Both the A and B
d) Neither A nor B Ans:c(174)
70. Mark
the correct option
a) Omission to produce document to public
servant by person legally bound
produce it shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or
with both;
b) Omission
to give notice or information to public servant by person legally bound to give
it Omission to give notice or information to public servant by person legally
bound to give it
c) Furnishing
false information shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which
may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees,
or with both
d) Al the above
71. Refusing
oath or affirmation when duly required by public servant to make it shall be punished with
Simple imprisonment for a term may extend to 6
With fine which may extend to one thousand
Both the A & B
A or B or C Ans:d(178)
72. Refusing
to answer public servant authorised to question shall be punished with
a) Simple
imprisonment for a term may extend to 6 month
b) With fine
which may extend to one thousand rupees
c) Both the
A & B
d) A or B or
C Ans:d(179)
73. Refusing
to sign statement shall be punished with
a) Simple
imprisonment for a term may extend to 3 month
b) With fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees
c) Both the
A & B
d) A or B or
C Ans:d(180)
74. False statement on
oath or affirmation to public servant or person authorized to administer an
oath or affirmation shall be punished with imprisonment
a) Simple
imprisonment for a term may extend to 3 years or with fine or both
b) Simple
imprisonment for a term may extend to 2 years or with fine or both
c) Simple
imprisonment for a term may extend to 1 years or with fine or both
d) None of
these Ans:a(181)
75. False information, with intent to cause public servant to use his lawful
power to the injury of another person shall be punished with
a) Simple
imprisonment for a term may extend to 6 month
b) With fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees
c) Both the
A & B
d) A or B or
C Ans:d(182)
76. Resistance to the
taking of property by the lawful authority of a public servant shall be
punished with simple imprisonment may extend_____ , or with fine which may
extend to ____ or with both
a) One month, five hundred b) Three months, five hundred
c) Six month, one thousand d) None of these Ans:c(183)
77. Whoever intentionally
obstructs any sale of property offered for sale by the lawful authority of any
public servant, as such, shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ____,
or with fine which may extend to ____ rupees, or with both
a) One
month, six hundred b) One
month, five hundred
c) Six month, one thousand d) None of these Ans:b(184)
78. Illegal purchase or
bid for property offered for sale by authority of public servant shall be
punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend to ____, or with fine which may extend
to ____ rupees, or with both
a) One
month, six hundred b) One
month, five hundred
c) One month, two hundred d) None of these Ans:c(185)
79. Whoever voluntarily
obstructs any public servant in the discharge of his public functions, shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
____ , or with fine which may extend to ___ rupees, or with both.
a) One month, six hundred b) Three month, five
c) One month, two hundred d) None of these Ans:b(186)
80. Whoever, being
bound by law to render or furnish assistance to any public servant in the
execution of his public duty, intentionally omits to give such assistance,
shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to ___,
or with fine which may extend to ___rupees, or with both;
a) One month, six hundred b) Three month, five
c) One month, two hundred d) None of these Ans:c(187)
81. Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
____ , or with fine which may extend to ___ rupees, or with both.
a) One month, six hundred b) Three month, five
c) One month, two hundred d) None of these Ans:c(188)
82. if such
disobedience causes or tends to cause danger to human life, health or safety,
or causes or tends to cause a riot or affray, shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ____, or with
fine which may extend to _____, or with both
a) Six month, One thousand b) Three month, five hundred
c) Six month five hundred d) None of these Ans:a(188)
83. Whoever
holds out any threat of injury to any public servant, or to any person in whom
he believes that public servant to be interested shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ____ months,
or with fine or with both.
a) Six month b) Three
c) One year d) Two year Ans:d(189)
84. Threat of injury to
induce person to refrain from applying for protection to public servant shall
be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend
to ____ months, or with fine or with both.
a) Six month b) Three
c) One year d) Two year Ans:c(190)
85. Breach
of contract to attend on and supply wants of helpless person shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ____, or
with fine which may extend to _____, or with both
a) One month, One thousand b) Three
month, five hundred
c) Three month, two hundred d) None of these Ans:c(491)
86. Which
of the following punishment cannot be awarded under IPC?
a) Forfeiture
of property b) Rigorous imprisonment
c) Transportation
for life d) Death Ans:c
87. Which
of the following is not an essential element of section 34 of IPC?
Criminal act done by several persons.
Criminal act done in furtherance of a common
Pre-arranged plan between persons doing criminal
Act done in furtherance of common object. Ans:d
88. Which
one of the following is not a valuable security?
A postal receipt for an insured parcel
A rent note
A promissory note
A deed of divorcee Ans:d
89. Common
intention means-
a) Similar
intention b) Same
c) Sharing
of intention by all persons d) Common plans Ans:c
90. Who is citizen of India commits murder in Uganda , he is arrested in Delhi he can be tried and convicted of
in Uganda
in country of which deceased was a citizen
any of above
delhi Ans;d
91. One of the following is
not a public servant
civil Judge
of panchayat assisting a court of Justice
of a Cooperative society. Ans:d
92. Which of the following
cases is not related to principle of joint liable based on common intention?
Kumar Ghosh Vs. Emperor
Shah Vs. Emperor
Desai Vs. State of Bombay
Vs. Govinda Ans:d
93. In which of the following
cases privy council made a distinction between common intention and similar
a) Barendra Kumar Ghosh Vs. Emperor b) Mahboob Shah Vs. Emperor
b) J.M Desai Vs. State of Bombay c) Bannu mal Vs. Emperor Ans:b
94. Section 34 of IPC
provides for liability based on common intention consider the following
1) Weapon used in offence was found in
A’s house
2) A has procured weapon of offence
voluntarily to aid criminal gang
3) A was compelled under threat to his
life to procure weapon of offence
4) Weapon was supplied on receipt of
value of weapon(sale)
Which of
situations given above reflects correct ingredients with regard to section34.
a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3
c) 2 only d) 4 only Ans:c
95. Which one of the
following statements regarding section 34 and section 149 of Indian Penal Code
is correct?
intention and common object are same
are distinct offences in themselves
34 enunciates a mere principle of liability and creates no offence while
section 149 creates a specific offence.
34 and 149 are mutually halping sections. Ans:c
96. Judge has been defined
a) Section 15 b) Section 18
c) Section 19 d) Section 22 Ans:c
97. Word person includes-
a) Association b) Company
c) Body of persons d) All
of these Ans:d
98. Movable property are
intended to include
permanently fastened to thing which is attached to earth
attached to earth
the above Ans:a
99. What is local law?
a law applicable to particular law
is a law applicable to particular part of India
of these Ans:b
100. Injury
denotes any harm whatever illegally caused to any person-
a) In
body b) In mind
In reputation d) All the above Ans:d
(Prepared by AB
Kantharaja Kodagu Dn, Karnataka,
presently serving in APS (
mobile No 08969822340)