

How to write Noting in English- Basic Features

1.    Note are written remarks recorded on a paper under consideration to facilitate its disposal.
2.    It should consist of a précis or previous paper, the statement of analysis of the question of questions requiring decision, suggestions regarding the course of action and final orders passed thereon.
 3.    A note recorded by a minister, the prime minister, the vice-president or the president should be referred to as a ‘Minute’
 4.    The name, designation and , where necessary , the telephone  number o the officer signing a note should invariable be typed or stamped with a rubber stamp below the signature which should be dated . In recording the date, the month and the year should also be indicated.

Guideline on Noting

(a)  All notes should be concise and to the point. Excessive noting should be avoided.

(b)  Notes and orders should normally be recorded on note –sheets.

(c)  Notes should not be recorded on the receipt itself except in very routine matters.

(d)  ‘Docketing’ means making of entries in the notes portion of a file  about the serial number assigned to each item of correspondence( whether recei9pt or issue) for its identification. After Docketing, if the branch officer or any higher officer has made any  remark on the receipt, it should be  reproduced in the manner indicated below and then the note should follow.

“ We need to keep Cabsec informed .PI put up today.

23/10”   /
DS(/Proj) Sd/-

(e)  A simple and direct style of writing should always be adopted use of complicated and ambiguous language should be avoided.

(f)   Verbatim  reproduction of extracts from, or paraphrasing of the P.U.C or of notes of other Ministries recorded on the same file should be avoided.

(g)  Even it apparent errors or misstatements have to be pointed out or to  an opinion expressed therein has to be criticized, care should be taken to couch observation in courteous and temperate language free from personal remarks.

(h)  A note will be divided into paragraphs of a convenient size paragraphs should be serially and may also have brief titles, if necessary.

(i)    The dealing hand will append his or her full signature with date on the below the note . an officer will append  full signature  on the right hand side of the note with name , designation and the date.

(j)    When passing orders  or making suggestion, an officer should continue the note to the actual points rather than repeating of reiterating the ground already covered in the previous notes. If the line of action suggested in the preceding note is corrects, the officer should merely append signature

(k)  Modification of notes:- There  should be on occasion to record a note in the first instance and then pasting it over. Such pasting is tantamount to multination of the record. It also gives  an inelegant look to the files. Even where a note recorded in the first instance need to the files, Even where a note recorded in  the  first instance needs any modification of account of additional facts/ errors having come to notice , a subsequent note may be  recorded indicating the circumstances leading to recording of the fresh note , keeping the earlier note intact recorded in the first instance. It is also undesirable for an officer to make his subordinate change his note(Detailed instruction  on modification of notes are available in Para 33 of the central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure.)

(l)    When a paper under consideration raises several major points which require examination and respective order on each point (or group of related points) it will be noted upon separately in “ Sectional” notes. Such sectional notes will each begin with a list of the major points(s) dealt with therein.

(m) Routine note means a note of a temporary value or ephemeral importance recorded outside the files ,e.g, a record of casual discussion or a note on a point of secondary importance intended to facilitate consideration of the case higher officers.

(n)  Running summary of facts in relation to a case means a summary of the facts of the case updated from time to time to incorporate significant development as and when they take place. It is prepared to avoid repeated re-capitulation of the case through self-contained notes. Wherever a running summary of facts is available on the file, it should be referred to without repeating any part of the facts in the note.

Types of Cases, Quantum of /noting and Functional  Approach

Most of the cases dealt with in Government of India can be divided into the following five categories.

v  Ephemeral cases
v  Routine  Repetitive cases
v  Action in Correspondence cases
v  Problem Solving cases
v  Planning and Policy cases

The following approach could be adopted for noting on various categories of cases:-

1.    Ephemeral Cases-

These cases are also known as “ no-Noting” cases. The Section  Officer or desk functionary should record the reason, in brief , why no action is necessary and file such cases at the dak stage itself . such cases should be  kept in the file “O” bundle  and destroyed on 32st December of every year. These may also be returned in original to the sender recording requisite factual information.

2.    Routine or Repetitive Cases-

In cases of repetitive nature ,’a standard  prices sheet ‘ which means a standard skeleton note should be developed indicating pre- determined points of check. In respect of other routine cases, a fair should be put up without any noting.

3.    Action – in - Correspondence Cases-

These cases also do not require detailed noting . It would be sufficient if a brief note (a paragraph or so) were recorded indicating the issue under consideration and the suggested action.

4.    Problem Solving Cases-

In these cases a detailed  note providing maximum information on each aspect will be necessary , even then , the note should be concise and to the point ,covering the following aspects:-

                            i.        What is the problem?
                           ii.        How has it  arisen?
                          iii.        What is the Rule , ‘policy’ or ‘precedent’?
                         iv.        What  are the possible  solution?
                          v.        Which is the best solution? Why?
                         vi.        What will be the consequences of the proposed solution?

5.   Policy and Planning Cases-
These types of cases would not be large in number in any organization. They would, however, require a thorough examination, particularly because important decisions are to be taken at top management level.  A note in such cases should be structured in the following manner:-

(i)            Problem:- State the problem.  How it has arisen? What are the critical factors?

(ii)          Additional Information:- Give additional information to size up the problem.  The information would be available on the files and other paper in the Section.  If sufficient information is not available to enable thorough examination, it should be collected before attempting a note.

(iii)         Rule, policy etc:- Precedent cues having a bearing on the issue under consideration should be put up.  If there are varying precedents or any precedent differs in certain respects from the case under examination, the difference should be brought out so as to arrive at a correct decision.

(iv)         Precedents;- Precedent cases having a bearing on the issue under consideration should be put up.  If there are varying precedents or any precedent differs in certain respects from the case under examination, the difference should be brought out so as to arrive at a correct decision.

(v)          Critical analysis:- the case should then be examined on merits answering questions like ‘what are the possible alternative solutions/  which is the best solution?  It should be ensured that views of other Divisions/Ministries etc. have been obtained where necessary.  Attention should also be paid to other aspects like the financial and other implications, repercussions, and the modality of implementing the decision and the authority competent to take a decision.

(vi)         Concluding para:- the concluding para should suggest a course of action for consideration.  In cases where a decision is to be taken by a higher authority like committee, Board etc. the point or points on which the decision of such higher authority is sought should be specifically mentioned.

Relevant extracts from the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure- 13th Edition, September, 2010

Guidelines for noting:—

(1)  All notes will be concise and to the point. Lengthy notes are to be avoided, by shifting bulk of material to statements placed below.

(2)  The verbatim reproduction of extracts from or paraphrasing of the paper under consideration, fresh receipt, or any other part of correspondence or notes on the same file, should not be attempted.

(3)  When passing orders or making suggestions, an officer will confine his note to the actual points he proposes to make without reiterating the ground already covered in the previous notes. If he agrees to the line of action suggested in the preceding note, he will merely append his signature.

(4)  Any officer, who has to note upon a file on which a running summary of facts is available will, in drawing attention to the facts of the case, refer to the appropriate part of the summary without repeating it in his own note.

(5)   Relevant extracts of a rule or instruction will be placed on the file and attention to it will be drawn in the note with proper referencing, rather than reproducing the relevant provisions in the note.

(6)   Unless a running summary of facts is already available on the file or the last note on the file itself serves that purpose, a self-contained note will be put up with every case submitted to the Minister. Such a note will bring out briefly but clearly relevant facts, including the views expressed on the subject by other departments, if any, consulted in the matter and the point or points on which the orders of the Minister are sought.

(7)  If apparent errors or incorrect statements in a case have to be pointed out or if an opinion expressed therein has to be criticized, care should be taken to couch the observations objectively, in courteous and temperate language free from personal remarks.

(8)  When a paper under consideration raises several major points which require detailed examination and respective orders, each point (or group of related points) will be noted upon separately in sectional notes; such notes will each begin with a list of the major point(s) dealt with therein and placed below the main note in a separate folder.

(9)  Notes and orders will normally be recorded on note sheets in the notes portion of the file and will be serially numbered. Black or Blue ink will be used by all category of staff and officers. Only an officer of the level of Joint Secretary to Government of India and above may use green or red ink in rare cases.

(10)                The dealing hand will append his full signature with date on the left below his note. An officer will append his full signature on the right hand side of the note with name, designation and date.

(11)                A note will be divided into serially numbered paragraphs of easy size, say ten lines each. Paragraphs may preferably have brief titles. The first few paragraphs will give the profile of the problem, position of rules, precedents and the position of resources with proper analysis and sequence and an indication of the evidence and the conclusions reached. The final paragraph should weigh the arguments and recommend the best course of action, with a supporting draft communication, if necessary.        

(12)                In writing notes, the observations made in Appendix 7- ‘Style in notes and drafts’ will be kept in view.25

(13)                A small margin of about one inch will be left on all sides (left, right, top and bottom) of each page of the note sheet to ensure better preservation of notes recorded on the files as at times the paper gets torn from the edges making reading of the document difficult. However, notes should be typed/written on both sides of the note sheet as per instructions of Department of Expenditure.

(14)                While preparing/submitting Notes for the Cabinet/Cabinet Committees/Groups of Ministers, the required procedure as detailed in Appendix-7.1 will be kept in view.

(15)                While preparing/submitting of papers for consideration of the Committee of Secretaries, the required procedure as detailed in Appendix-7.2 will be kept in view.

(16)                While constitution/reconstitution of High-level Commissions/Committees, the required procedure as detailed in Appendix-7.3 will be kept in view.


Arrangement of Papers in A Case

While submitting a case, the papers, folders, reference book etc, are to be  arranged in the following order from top downwards:-

1.    Reverence books;
2.    Notes proton of the current file  ending with the note for consideration;
3.    Running summary of facts;
4.    Draft for approval , if facts;
5.    Correspondence portion of the current file ending with the latest  receipt or issue , as the case may be
6.    Appendix to notes and correspondence;
7.    Standing guard file , standing notes or reference folder, if any ;
8.    Other papers , if any, referred to e.g. extract of notes or correspondence from other files ,copies of orders, resolutions, gazettes, arranged in chronological orders, resolutions, gazettes, arranged in chronological, the latest being placed on the top;
9.    Recorded files, if any, arranged in chronological order, the latest being placed on the top;
10. Routine notes and papers arranged in chorological order and placed in a separate cover.


Referencing is the process of identifying a document, decision and facts mentioned in a note, draft or office copy of communication issued.  It involves a series of activities.  These are described in the succeeding paragraphs.

a)    Every page in each part of the file (viz, notes, correspondence, appendix to notes,, and appendix to correspondence) will be consecutively numbered in separate series, in pencil.  Blank intervening pages, if any, will not be numbered.

b)    Each item poof correspondence in a file whether receipt or issue, will be assigned a serial number which will be displayed prominently in red ink on the top middle portion of its first page.

c)    The paper under consideration on a file will be flagged ‘PUC’ and the latest fresh receipt noted upon, as ‘F.R’.  In no circumstances, will a slip, other than ‘PUC and ‘FR’ be attached to any paper in a current file.  If there are more than one ‘F.R-I, FR-II etc.  (However, in practice other slips are also attached to a paper in the current file.  All the slips should be removed after the action is over).

d)    In referring to the papers flagged ‘PUC’ or ‘FR’ the relevant page numbers will be quoted invariably in the margin.  Their page numbers will refer to other papers in a current file.

e)    Recorded files and other papers put up with the current file will be flagged with alphabetical slips for quick identification.  Only one alphabetical slip will be attached to a recorded file or compilation.  If two or more papers contained in the same file or compilation are to be referred to, they should be identified by the relevant page numbers in addition to the alphabetical slip, e.g. ‘A’/23 n., ‘A’/17 C and so on.

f)     To facilitate the identification of references to papers contained in other files after the removal of slips, the number of the file referred to will be quoted invariably in the body of the note. The relevant page numbers, together with the alphabetical slip attached thereto, will be indicated in the margin.  Similarly, the number and date of orders, notifications and resolutions, and, in the case of acts, rules and regulations, their brief title together with the number of the relevant section, rule, paragraph or clause, referred to will be quoted in the body of the notes, while the alphabetical slips used, will be indicated in the margin.

g)    Rules or other compilations referred to in a case need not be put up if copies thereof are expected to be available with the officer to whom the case is being submitted.  The fact of such compilations not having been put up will be indicated in the margin of the notes in pencil.

h)   The reference slips will be pinned neatly on the inside of the papers  to be flagged.  When a number of papers put up in a case are to be flagged, the slips will be spread over the entire width of the file so that every slips are easily visible.

Linking and De-linking of files

1.    If the issues raised in two or more current files are so inter-connected that they must be dealt with together simultaneously, the relevant files will be linked in the manner indicated in (2) below.  Such linking may also be resorted to if a paper on one current file is required for reference in dealing with another current file unless a copy of the paper can be conveniently placed on the first file.

2.    When files are to be linked, strings of the file board of the lower file (but not its flaps) will be tied round the upper file. The file board of flap of the upper file will be tied underneath it in a bow out of the way so that each file is intact with all its connected papers properly arranged on its file board or flap.

3.    On receipt back after completion of action, the linked files will be immediately delinked after taking relevant extracts and placing them on the linked files, where necessary.

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