




1.         The Consumer protection act 1986 enacted in

            a)         15 Jun 2005                                                  b)         24 Oct 1986
            c)         24 Dec 1986                                                 d)         1 Jan 1986                Ans:c

2.         The Consumer protection act 1986 extends to

a)            The whole India
b)            The whole India except Nagaland tribal area,
c)            The whole India except Nagaland tribal area and Jammu and Kashmir
d)            The whole India except Jammu and Kashmir                                        Ans:d(1)

3.         Appropriate laboratory means a  laboratory or organization

a)            Recognized by Central Government
b)            Recognized by state government
c)            Both the above
d)         None of the above                                                                                       Ans:c(2a)

4.         Complainant means

a)            Consumer
b)            Any voluntary consumer association registered under the companies act 1956.
c)            The central govt or any state govt
d)            One or more consumer where there are numerous consumers having the same interest
e)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:e(2b)

5.         Complaint means allegation in writing made by a complainant that

            a)         An unfair trade practice or restrictive trade practice has been adapted by any                    traders or service provider
            b)         The goods bought by him or agreed to be bought by him suffer from one or                       more defect
            c)         A traders or the service provider as the case may be has charged for the goods                or for the services mentioned in the complaint a price in excess of the price
            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(2c)

6.         The following is not a consumer

            a)         The insurance company                            b)         A licensee to run a phone
            c)         A lottery ticket holder                                   d)         All the above             Ans:d

7.         The central consumer protection council shall consist of the following members

            a)         The minister in charge of consumer affairs in the central govt, who shall be                      its chairman
            b)         Such member of other official or non official members representing such                          interest as may be prescribed.
            c)         The Chief justice of high court
            d)         Both A&B                                                                                                      Ans:d(4)

8.         The central council shall meet as and when necessary but at least ___ meeting of the council shall be held every year
            a)         One                                                                b)         Two
            c)         Three                                                              d)         Four                            Ans:a(5)

9.         Object of the central council is

a)            The right to be protected against the marketing of goods which are hazardous to life and property
b)            The right to informed about the quality , quantity, potency, purity, standard  and price of goods so as to protect  the consumer against unfair trade practices
c)            The right to be assured, wherever possible access to a variety of goods at competitive prices
d)            The right to heard and to be assured that consumer interests  will receive due consideration appropriate fora
e)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:e(6)

10.       Members of state consumer protection council should not exceed

            a)         Two                                                                 b)         Five
            c)         Ten                                                                 d)         Three                          Ans:c(7)

11.       The chairman of the district consumer protection council is

            a)         District magistrate                                        b)         Collector of the District
            c)         MP of the district                                          d)         None of these           Ans:b(8a)

12.       Which one of the following know as Consumer disputes redressal  agency
            a)         District forum                                                            b)         State commission
            c)         National commission                                  d)         All the above             Ans:d(9)

13.       President of district forum is

a)            Collector of the district
b)            A person who are qualified as advocate
c)            A person who are qualified to be a district judge,
d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(10)

14.       Mark the correct option relating to district forum

a)            It should have two member , one of whom shall be a woman
b)            Members age shall not be less than 35 years old
c)            Possess a bachelors of degree from recognized university
d)            Ten year knowledge and experience in dealing with problems relating to economics, law, commerce, accountancy, industry& public affairs
e)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:e(10)

15.       The disqualification of the member is

            a)         Has been convicted and sentenced  to imprisonment for an offence which , in                 the opinion of the state govt involves moral turpitude
            b)         Is an undercharged insolvent
            c)         Is of unsound mind
            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(10)

16.       Every appointment of district forum shall be made by the state govt on the recommendation  of a selection committee consisting of the following

a)            President of the state commission shall be a chairman
b)            Secretary, law dept of the state shall be a member
c)            Secretary, incharge of dept dealing with consumer affair shall be a another member.
d)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(10)

17.       Who will working as president in case absence of the president of state commission
            a)         Governor                                                       b)         Chief minister
            c)         A sitting judge of High court                      d)         Chief justice of highcourt

18.       Mark the correct option

            a)         Every member of district forum shall hold office a term of 5 years or up to age                   65 years
            b)         The member of district forum shall eligible for reappointment for another term
            c)         Members of district forum may resign his office in writing addressed to state                      government
            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(10)

19.       Jurisdiction of district for is rupees
            a)         Exceed twenty lac                                        b)         exceed 50 lac
            c)         Up to twenty lac                                            d)         twenty to fifty lac      Ans:c(11)

20.       The complaint shall ordinarily be decided within

a)            Twenty one days from the date on which the complaint was received
b)            Thirty days from the date on which the complaint was received
c)            Forty five days from the date on which the complaint was received
d)            No time limit                                                                                                  Ans:a(12)

21.       Where the complaint alleges a defect in the goods which cannot be determined without proper analysis or test of the goods, the sample of goods forwarded to appropriate laboratory for laboratory test.  Such types of case finding report within ______days
            a)         30                    b)         40                    c)         45        d)         60                    Ans:c(13)

22.       Every complaint shall be heard as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall be made to decide the complaint within a period of ____from the date of receipt of notice by opposite party where the complaint does not require analysis or testing of commodities and within____, if it requires analysis or testing of commodities.

            a)         3 Months, 5 months                         b)         45 days, 90 days
            c)         30 days, 90 days                              d)         None of these                       Ans:a(13)

23.       Provided that the minimum amount of sum so payable shall not be less than ____ of the value of such defective goods sold or services provided, as the case may be to such consumers.

            a)         Rs 25000/-                                         c)         10 %
            c)         5%                                                      d)         None of these                       Ans:c(13)

24.       Any person aggrieved by an order made by the District forum may prefer an appeal such order to the State commission within

            a)         60 days                                              b)         90 days
            c)         1 month                                             d)         Thirty days                             Ans:d(15)

25.       Any person prefer an appeal to state commission shall be deposited amount in prescribed manner

            a)         Fifty percent of that amount                       b)         Twenty five thousand rupees
            c)         Whichever is less of the above A&B        d)         None of these           Ans:c(15)

26.       President of state commission shall be a person who is or has been a

            d)         District collector                                b)         An advocate
            c)         Any judge                                          d)         Judge of high court             Ans:d(16)

27.       Every member of state commission shall hold office for a term of ___ year or up to the age of ___  years, whichever is less.

            a)         5 ,65                                                   b)         6,67
            c)         5,67                                                    d)         5,70                                        Ans:c(16)

28.       Jurisdiction of  State commission is

            a)         Complaint where the value of the goods or services and compensation, if any                  claimed exceeds Rs 20 Lac
            b)         Complaint where the value of the goods or services and compensation, if any                  claimed up to 1 crore
            c)         Appeals against the orders of any district forum within the state
            d)         Complaint where the value of the goods or services and compensation, if any                  claimed exceeds Rs 20 Lac but does not exceed one crore               
e)         C& D only                                                                                                      Ans:e(17)

29.       District forum shall consist of

a)          President and two member            b)         Chairman and two member
c)         President and four member           d)         President and five member Ans:a(10)
30.       State commission shall consist of

a)          President and two member            b)         President and  not less than 2 member
c)         President and four member           d)         President and five member Ans:b(16)

31.       National commission shall consist of

a)        President and two member            
b)         President and  not less than 2 member
c)         President and not less than four member          
d)         President and not less than four and not more than eleven member            Ans:d(20)

32        Any person aggrieved by an order made by the State commission may prefer an appeal such order to the National commission within

            a)         60 days                                              b)         90 days
            c)         1 month                                             d)         Thirty days                             Ans:d(19)

33.       Any person prefer an appeal to National commission shall be deposited amount in prescribed manner

            a)         Fifty percent of that amount                       b)         Twenty five thousand rupees
            c)         Thirty five thousand rupees
d)         Whichever is less of the above A&C                                                        Ans:d(19)

34.       An appeal filed before the State commission or the national commission shall be heard as expeditiously as possible and an endeavour shall be made to finally dispose of the appeal within the period of
a)            90 days from the date of admission
b)            60 days from the date of admission
c)            30 days from the date of admission
d)            90 days from the date of admission the complaint                                Ans:a(19a)
35.       President of the national commission shall be a person who is or has been a
            a)         Judge of High court                                     b)         Judge of supreme court
            c)         Chief justice of supreme court                  d)         None of these           Ans:b(20)

36.       Every member of National commission shall hold office for a term of ___ year or up to the age of ___  years, whichever is less.

            a)         5 ,65                                                   b)         6,67
            c)         5,67                                                    d)         5,70                                        Ans:d(20)

37.       Jurisdiction of National commission is

            a)         Complaint where the value of the goods or services and compensation, if any                  claimed does not exceeds Rs 5 crore
            b)         Complaint where the value of the goods or services and compensation, if any                  claimed up to 1 crore
            c)         Appeals against the orders of any state commission
            d)         Complaint where the value of the goods or services and compensation, if any                  claimed exceeds Rs 1 crore                      
e)         C& D only                                                                                                      Ans:e(21)

38.       On the application of the complainant or of its own motion, the national commission may, at any stage of the proceeding in the interest of justice, transfer any complaint pending

a)            The district forum of one state to a district form of another state
b)            The one state commission to another state commission
c)            The district forum of within the state
d)            Above A& B only                                                                                          Ans:d(22b)

39.       When the office of president of a District forum, State commission, or of the National commission as the case may be is vacant by reason of absence 

a)            New president will be appointed for the period
b)            Senior most member will be performed the duty for the period
c)            President of District forum, State commission and National commission as the case may be look after the additional  duty for the period with his own duty
d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:b(22d)

40.       Any person, aggrieved by an order of made by the national commission may prefer an appeal against such order  within thirty days to

a)            An appeal shall not be made against National commission
b)            The decision of National commission is final
c)            An appeal shall be made to Supreme court
d)            Above A&B only                                                                                           Ans:c(23)

41.       Any person prefer an appeal to Supreme court shall be deposited amount in prescribed manner

            a)         Fifty percent of that amount                       b)         Fifty thousand rupees
            c)         Thirty five thousand rupees
d)         Whichever is less of the above A&B                                                        Ans:b(23)

42.       The District forum, the State commission or The National commission shall not admit a complaint unless it is filed within

a)            Two years form the date on which the cause of action has been arisen
b)            One years form the date on which the cause of action has been arisen
c)            Three years form the date on which the cause of action has been arisen
d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:a(24a)

43.       Where a complaint instituted before the District forum, the State commission or the National commission is found to be frivolous or vexatious complainant shall pay

a)            To the forum or commission concerned not exceeding Rs 10000.
b)            To the opposite party not exceeding Rs 5000/-
c)            To the opposite party not exceeding Rs 10000/-
d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(26)

44.       Where a trader or a person against whom a complaint is made or complainant fails or omits to comply with order made by commission

a)            Shall be punishable with fine shall not be less than two thousand rupees
b)            Shall be punishable with imprisonment shall not be less than one month but which may be extend three year.
c)            Shall be punishable with fine shall not be less than two thousand rupees but which may be extend ten thousand rupees
d)            Both the B&C                                                                                               Ans:d(27)

45.       The District forum, the State commission or the National commission as the case may be, shall have power of a

            a)         Supreme court judge                                   b)         High court judge
            c)         Judicial magistrate of the first class          d)         All the above             Ans:c(27)

46.       The consumer protection act 1986 amended in 2002 came into force wef

            a)         15 Apr 2002                                                  b)         15 Mar 2003
            c)         15 Apr 2005                                                  d)         None of these           Ans:b

47.       Fee for filing complaints before district forum when a person is below poverty line

            a)         25 rupees                                                      b)         50 rupees
            c)         100 rupees                                                    d)         No fee                                    Ans:d

48.       Fee for filing complaints before district forum up to one lakh is

            a)         25 rupees                                                      b)         50 rupees
            c)         100 rupees                                                    d)         No fee                                    Ans:c

49.       Fee for filing complaints before district forum above one lac and up to five lac is

            a)         200 rupees                                                    b)         250 rupees
            c)         100 rupees                                                    d)         No fee                                    Ans:a

50.       Fee for filing complaints before district forum above five lac and up to ten lac is

            a)         200 rupees                                                    b)         250 rupees
            c)         400 rupees                                                    d)         No fee                                    Ans:c

51.       Fee for filing complaints before district forum above ten lac and up to twenty lac is

            a)         500 rupees                                                    b)         250 rupees
            c)         400 rupees                                                    d)         1000 rupees              Ans:a

52.       Fee for filing complaints before state commission above 20 lac and up to 50 lac is

            a)         5000 rupees                                                  b)         2500 rupees
            c)         4000 rupees                                                  d)         2000 rupees              Ans:d

53.       Fee for filing complaints before state commission above 50 lac and up to 1 crore is

            a)         5000 rupees                                                  b)         2500 rupees
            c)         4000 rupees                                                  d)         2000 rupees              Ans:c

54.       Fee for filing complaints before National commission above 1 crore is

            a)         5000 rupees                                                  b)         2500 rupees
            c)         4000 rupees                                                  d)         2000 rupees              Ans:a

55.       Chapter I , II, IV of Consumer protection act came in to force on

            a)         01-07-1987                                                    b)         01-04-1987
            c)         01-04-1986                                                    d)         01-07-1986                Ans:b

56.       Chapter III of Consumer protection act came in to force on

            a)         01-07-1987                                                    b)         01-04-1987
            c)         01-04-1986                                                    d)         01-07-1986                Ans:a

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