1. The
Right to information bill having been passed by both houses of parliament
received the assent of the president on
a) 12
Oct 2005 b) 13 Oct 2005
c) 15
Jun 2005 d) None of these Ans:c
2. The
RTI act enacted by parliament in the
a) 55th of the republic
of India b) 54th of the republic of India
c) 56th
of the republic
of India d) None of these Ans:c
3. RTI
act extends to the
Whole India
Whole India except nagaland , tribal area & Jammu and Kashmir
Whole India except
Nagaland , tribal area
Whole India except Jammu and Kashmir Ans:d
4. Sec
4,5,12,13,15,16.24.27 & 28 of RTI act come into force at once, ad the
remaining provisions of this act shall come into for on
a) 15
Jun 2005 b) 12 Oct 2005
c) The
one hundred and twentieth day of its enactment
d) Above
B&C Ans:
5. Appropriate
government means in relation to a public authority which is established,
constituted, owned, controlled or substantially financed by funds provided
directly or indirectly by
a) The Central
government b) The State government
c) Union territory
administration d) All the above Ans:d(2a)
6. Mark
the correct option relating to competent authority means:-
a) The
president or the governor in case of constituted by or under the constitution b) Speaker
in case of house of people
c) The
chief justice of high court in case of a high court
d) Chief
justice of India
in case of supreme court
e) All the above Ans:e(2e)
7. Information
means any material in any form
a) Records,
documents, memos b) Opinions & advices
c) Circulars,
orders, reports d) All the above Ans:d(2f)
8. Record
Any document, manuscript and
Any microfilm , microfiche and
facsimile copy of a document
Any other material produced a
computer or any other device
All the above Ans:d(2i)
9. Right
to information means
Inspection of work, documents,
Taking notes, extracts or
certified copies of documents or records
Taking a certified samples of
Obtaining information in the
form of diskettes, flppoies, tapes
All the above Ans:e(2j)
10. Information
commissions are
a) Central
information commission b) State information commission c) District
information commission d) A& B only
e) All
the above Ans:d
11. A
person other than the citizen making a request to information and includes a
public authority
a) Complainant
b) Consumer
c) Third
party d) A&B Ans:c(2n)
12. Every
public authority shall designate as many officers as
a) Central
information officer b) Central public information officer
c) State
public information officer d) B&C only Ans:d(5)
13. Every
public authority shall designate an officer at each sub divisional level
a) Central
Asst. public information officers/State Asst. public information officer
b) Central
information/State information officer
c) Central public
information officer/State public information officer
d) All the above Ans:
14. Under
RTI act the language of an application may be
a) In
English b) In Hindi
c) In
Regional language d) All the above Ans: d(6)
15. Request
for obtaining information the application is being made to
The central public information
officer/State public information officer.
The central Asst public
information officer/State Asst. public information officer
Either A&B as the case may
None of these Ans:c(6)
16. An
applicant making request for information
Should be give the reason why
the information sought for
Shall not be give any reason
for requesting the information or any other personal details except those that
may be necessary for contacting him.
None of these Ans:b(6)
17. Where
an application is made to a public authority requesting for an information
which is held by another public authority, or the subject matter of which is
more closely connected with the functions of another public authority the
application shall be transferred to the concerned authority not latter than____
of receipt of the application.
a) 30
days b) 10 days
c) 3
days d) 5 days Ans:d(6)
18. The
request information should normally be made within
a) 48
Hrs b) 24 Hrs
c) 30
days d) 45 days Ans:c(7)
19. The
information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person, the same shall
be provided within_____ of receipt of the application.
a) 48
Hrs b) 24 Hrs
c) 72
Hrs d) At the same time Ans:a(7)
20. If the information
central/state public information office as the case may be fails to give decision within the
period 30 days
Shall be deemed to have
transferred the application to higher authority
Should be wait for another
thirty days
Shall be deemed to have refused
the request
None of these Ans:c(7)
21. Mark
the correct option
Where the access to information
is to be provided in the printed or in any electronic format, the applicant
shall pay such fee as may be prescribed
No such fee shall be charged
from the persons whore are below poverty line
The information shall be provided
the information free of charge where a public authority fails to comply with
the time limits specified.
Before taking the decision
consideration of third party representation is necessary
All the above Ans:e(7)
22. The
following information’s are exemption from disclosure
a) Information
disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity
of India
b) Information
which has been expressly forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal.
c) Information
the disclosure of which would cause a breach of privilege of parliament
or the state legislature
d) Information
commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property , the disclosure
of which would harm the competitive position of third party.
e) All
the above Ans:e(8)
23. Third party shall be made his representation within
a) 5 days b) 45 days
c) 10 days d) 3 days Ans:c(11)
24. Constitution of central information commission the central
government shall be made by
a) Notification b) Circular
c) Notification by official gazette d) None of these Ans:c(12)
25. The central information commission shall consist of
The chief information
b) Central information commissioner not
exceeding ten
c) All of these d) None of these Ans:c(12)
26. The chief information/Information commissioner shall be
appointed by
The president on the
recommendation of the a committee
The president of India
The chief justice of India
The prime minister of India Ans:a
27. The CIC/IC
appointing recommendation committee consisting
The president of India
The prime minister who shall be
The leader of opposition party
in the lok sabha
A union cabinet minister to be
nominated by the prime minister
e) Above B,C&D only f) All the above Ans:e(12)
28. Mark
the incorrect option relating to the knowledge and experience of the CIC/IC
a) Law,
science and technology b) Social service & management
c) Journalism
, mass media d) Cinema and Politics Ans:d(12)
29. Mark
the correct option
The CIC/IC shall hold office
for a term 5 years
CIC shall not be eligible to
No CIC shall hold office as
such after he has attained the age of 65
Every IC shall not be eligible
to reappointment as IC but shall be eligible to reappoint as CIC the term of
office shall not be more than 5 years in aggregate as IC and CIC
All the above Ans:e(12)
30. The
CIC/IC his resignation letter should be made to
a) The
chief justice of India b) The prime minister
c) The
president d) Any one of them Ans;c(12)
31. State
information shall consist
a) State
chief information commissioner and 5 state information commissioner b) State
chief information commissioner and 2 state information commissioner
c) The
state chief information commissioner and not more than 10 state information
d) None
of these Ans:
32. The
first appeal should be lie under RTI Act after
a) 45
days b) 60 days
c) 90
days d) 30 days Ans:d(19)
33. Under
which section of RTI act information is giver
a) Sec.
4 b) Sec. 3
c) Sec.
6 d) Sec 13 Ans:b
34. Which
of the following has not been defined under Sec. 2 of the RTI Act
Asst public information officer.
Central information officer
Public authority
Judge Ans:d
35. A
second appeal against decision shall lie within
a) 30
days b) 60 days
c) 90
days d) 45 days Ans:c(19)
36. An
appeal under sub section 1 or 2 of 19 shall be disposed of within thirty day of
the receipt of the appeal or within such extended period not exceeding a total
of _____ days form the date of filing thereof , as the case may be, for reasons
to be recorded in writing.
a) 60 b) 30
c) 45 d) 15 Ans:c(19)
37. The
public information officers liable to be impose a monitory penalty for
a) Without
any reason refused to receive an application for information or has not been
furnished the information within the time specified.
b) Malafidely denied the request for information or knowingly
given incorrect, incomplete or misleading information
or destroyed information which was the subject
of the request.
c) Both
d) None
of these Ans:c(20)
38. The
penalty shall be imposed to Central/State public information officer is
Rs 225/- each day till
application is received or information furnished.
Rs 250/- each day till
application is received or information furnished.
The total amount of penalty
shall not exceed Rs 25000/-
B&C both Ans:d(20)
39. A request for obtaining information under
RTI act the application fee is Rs
a) 25/- b) 50/-
c) 20/- d) 10/- Ans:d
40. The application fee may be accepted in
shape of____ payable to
a) Cash/Account officer of the public
authority b) DD/Cheque / Account officer of the
public authority
c) Indian Postal Order / Account officer of the public authority
d) Any one of the above Ans:d
41. Mark the correct option relating to fee
for obtain information under RTI act
Rs 2/- per each page (A4/A3 size
paper) created or copied
Actual charge or cost price of
a copy in large size paper
Actual cost or price for
samples or models
For inspection of records no
fee for the first hour and a fee Rs5/-
for each subsequent hour
All the above Ans:e
42. Information
provided in diskette or floppy Rs_____ chargeable per diskette/floppy.
a) 25/- b) 50/-
c) 20/ d) Free Ans:b
43. The first state in India introduce the a law on RTI
a) Tamilnadu b) UP
c) Maharashtra d) None of these Ans:a
44. How many schedule in RTI Act 2005 ?
a) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2 Ans: d
45. Indian citizen have the right to
information because of
Judgment of Supreme court
Implementation of international
laws by Indian govt
All states adopted agree to implement the act
A law passed by the parliament
of India Ans:d
46. How could a public information officer
receive applications?
Those submitted by a requester
in hand
Those sent by an applicant by
email/ by post
Transferred by another public
Forwarded by an Asst public
information officer
All the above Ans:e
47. A first appeal against the decision of a
PIO can be preferred by
a) An applicant b) A
person from within public authority
c) A person outside the public authority
to whom information pertains
d) All the above Ans:d
48. While inquiring into a complaint
information commissions have the power to
Receive evidence on affidavit
Requisition record or copies
thereof from any court or office
Issue summons for examination
of witnesses or documents
All the above Ans:d
49. The first appellate authority should
decide on first appeals
Within the 30 days from the
receipt of the firs appeals
In less number of days that the
PIO concerned took to take a decision on the application.
Within 45 days from the date of
receipt of the appeal , if reasons are recorded
Both A&C Ans:d
50. If a PIO reasonably non exempted portions
of a record from exempted portions and partially provides information to an
applicant he/she has to
Give the name and designation
of the person giving the decision
Reasons for the decision
Details of fees the applicant
may have to pay
Applicants rights for a review
of the decision
All the above Ans:e
51. The first schedule of the RTI act 2005 is
a) List of exempted information b) Govt order
c) Affirmation on oath of CIOs/ IOs d) None of these Ans:c
52. The second schedule of the RTI act 2005
a) The intelligence and security
organizations established by the central govt that are exempted from the purview of the RTI act 2005.
b) All
departmental information of Central and state
c) Affirmation on oath of CIOs/IOs in this
d) None of these Ans:a
53. The second schedule of RTI act 2005 can
be amended by
a) Central govt b) State govt
c) Supreme court d) President Ans:a
54. What is the time span mentioned in RTI
act 2005 for making order for removing difficulties in giving effect to the
provisions of the RTI Act 2005?
2 years from the commencement
of the act
1 years from the commencement
of the act
3 years from the commencement
of the act
18 month from the commencement
of the act Ans:a
55. The central information commission/state
information commission has a duty to receive complaint from any person
a) Who has not been
able to submit an information request because a PIO has not been appointed
b) Who has been refused
information that was requested
c) Who thinks to fee
charged unreasonable
d) Who thinks
information given is incomplete or false or misleading
e) All the above Ans:e
56. The state CIC/ IC are appointed by
The president on the
recommendation of the a committee
The Governor on the
recommendation of the a committee
The chief justice of India
The prime minister of India Ans:b
57. The
CIC/IC appointing recommendation committee consisting
The Governor
The Chief minister who shall be
The leader of opposition party
in the legislative assebly
A union cabinet minister to be
nominated by the Chief minister
Above B,C&D only f) All the above Ans:e(12)
58. Where is the Head quarter of Central information
a) New
Delhi b) Mumbai
c) Chennai d) Bangalore Ans:a