Premium Products: The premium products are the segments where the business interests lies as they bring in additional revenue. The following is the list of premium products.
1- Speed Post
2- Business Post
3- Express Parcel Post
4- Media Post
5- Greeting Post
6- Logistics Post
1- Speed Post: Speed post is a reliable and high speed service. The service was started in the August 1986 offering time bound delivery of mail which are address specific. The tarrif is based on weight and distance. Speed post articles are indemnified against loss or delay at no additional charge and refund of charges is made in case of delay. Proof of delivery (like acknowledgement of registration) can be obtained on payment of additional fee. Domestic speed posts are accepted for transmission up to weight limit of 35 KGs. Book now pay later service is provided for bulk customers using the service regularly. Tracking facility is also available.
2- Business Post: This service
1- Speed Post
2- Business Post
3- Express Parcel Post
4- Media Post
5- Greeting Post
6- Logistics Post
1- Speed Post: Speed post is a reliable and high speed service. The service was started in the August 1986 offering time bound delivery of mail which are address specific. The tarrif is based on weight and distance. Speed post articles are indemnified against loss or delay at no additional charge and refund of charges is made in case of delay. Proof of delivery (like acknowledgement of registration) can be obtained on payment of additional fee. Domestic speed posts are accepted for transmission up to weight limit of 35 KGs. Book now pay later service is provided for bulk customers using the service regularly. Tracking facility is also available.
2- Business Post: This service