Unique Identification Authority
of India has revised its charges to be applicable to the Residents for various
Aadhar services at all Aadhar Enrolment and Update Centres. The Maximum amount
of fee to be charged by Registrars/EAs/ASKs/Aadhar Kendras for various Aadhar
related servies from Residents are revised as follows:-
Rate of
fee to be collected from Residents by Registrar/EA (incl. GST)
Aadhar Enrolment
Free of Cost
Mandatory Biometric Update (MBU)/MBU along
with demographic update
Free of Cost
Biometric Update with or without
Demographic update
Rs 100.00
Demographic Update
Rs 50.00
e-Aadhar download and color print on A4
Rs 30.00
of more than one field on single instance will be considered as one update.
2. The above rates will be applicable at all Aadhar Kendras
and Aadhar Seva Kendras across the country.
3. The revised rates shall be effective from the date of
issue of this OM.
4. In
Indian to the above residents can be also update their address online by
visiting the website www.uidai.gov.in at
free of cost.
5. This issue with the approval Authority.
Director (E&U-I)