

Post Office Departmental Vacancies: Product of Services

                India Post offers several products and services. These can be broadly classified under the following heads-
1-      Mail Services
2-      Premium Services
3-      Financial Services
4-      Retails Services
5-      Philately

Mail Services-
                Mail service is the primary service offered by India Post. The activities involved in mail services from the time it is posted by customer to the time it is delivered to the addressee are- collection, sorting, transmission and delivery. Our efficiency lies in moving the mail as quickly as possible from the time it is collected, to facilitate early delivery to the addressee. We offer domestic and foreign mail services. We also offer ordinary mail service as well as registered mail. We have 10 types of domestic mail. They are-
1-      Letters
2-      Inland Letters
3-      Post Cards
4-      Book Packet
5-      Book Packets containing printed books
6-      Book Packet containing periodicals
7-      Registered newspapers
8-      Blind Literature packets
9-      Sample and pattern packets
10-   Parcel
11-   Speed Post

The first 9 types of articles are letter mail and the last one is parcel mail. The mail items are further classified as first class and second class mail for the purpose of providing air lift. The first three of the above list are first class mail and get airlifted, wherever available, free of charge. The next seven items are termed second class mail and are moved terrestrially. For airlifting the second class mail, air surcharge has to be paid. We will discuss the features of each of these mail items and handling process later.

For transmission of these mails, customers have to pay tariff. The tariff is normally paid in the form of postage stamps affixed on the articles posted. However, the customers also have the following options-
By obtaining frank Impressions-
                                Bulk customers can buy franking machines, secure license and generate frank impressions of the articles in their premises. Certain Post Offices also have franking machines at the counter and customers can present the articles to generate franks. The process is explained in details later.
Postage in Cash: Certain customers, on obtaining license from the department, are permitted to pay cash in lieu of postage stamps.
License to Post without Prepayment: Registered newspapers can be posted without prepayment of postage on obtaining license from the department. The process is explained later.

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