

Inappropriate Cancellations/Pen Cancellations on Philatelic Material

No. 46-60/2018-Phil
Government of lndia
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
 New Delhi - 1 10001 .
 Dated: 30-10.2019
 All Heads of Circles

 Subject: Inappropriate Cancellations/Pen Cancellations on Philatelic Material.


I have been  directed to apprise that in the recent past several complaints have been received regarding inappropriate cancellations including pen cancellations on Postage Stamps especially the Philatelic Stamps.

2.         Affixing of Postage Stamps is a means for paying the fees or sums payable in respect of availing the transmission service. Every postal article is required to be stamped with date stamp impression s of at least two post offices i.e. office of Posting and office of delivery.

3.         Philatelic Bureaus & Philatelic Counters are in operation across India to promote Philately as a hobby among masses and for catering to the needs of Philatelic fraternity.
In Philately, Cancellations/Postmarks carry crucial importance and generate immense interest among philatelists. Thus the sanctity of such cancellations must be preserved by all concerned at every stage of transmission till its delivery. Where Philatelic Stamps are used, these are to be cancelled at office of posting neatly with Special Cancellation of First day of Issue Cancellation without damaging the image contained in the stamps.

4.         It is., therefore, requested that suitable instructions be issued urgently to all concerned under your control desisting from inappropriate cancellations including pen cancellations, so that the sanctity of philatelic material is maintained. Compliance of instructions so issued may also be monitored through test checks please.

Yours Faithfully
(Abhinav Pratap Singh)
Asstt. Director General (Philately)

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