1. Introduction
New service
request feature is launched by Department which enables customer to avail DOP
services at his doorstep during covid lockdown period by raising a request in a
mobile app or website.Customer can raise a request in PostinfoApp or in India
Post Portal.
a) Postinfo App: New option “Service Request” has been
provided, using which the customer can raise a service request.
Customer can
click on “Urgent Request for Post Services-Doorstep service” to request for any
urgent service or can directly type the URL http://ccc.cept.gov.in/covid/request.aspx to request
c) Process of
raising a request by customer:
To raise a
request, the Customer has to provide the below information either through
Postinfo App or through Portal:
Email Address
Type of Service
d) After
successful submission of request, aunique
reference number will be created for each request and the same is shared to
customer through eMail and SMS, so as to enable him/her to track the status of
the request.
3) Divisional
Level Monitoring / Updation :
a) The Requests
raised by the Customers will be made available to the Divisions through the
Postman Mobile App Website. The existing
logins of PMA website can be used for this purpose. A new option “COVID” isprovided, where the Divisional Monitoring/Controlling
Unit can view all the requests.
b) After
attending to the request, the Divisional User can update the status with the
details. After updating the status,
customer will receive SMS that request at his/her doorstep is completed. Updation of the status can only be done by
the Divisional users only.
Circles and Regions can
access the dashboard for monitoring purpose, by logging into PMA MIS Portalà COVID
a) Customer can
track his/her request by clicking “click to track your request”, either in
Postinfo App or in the Portal:
b) For tracking,
the Customer has toenter either mobile number or reference number shared with him/her.
Clicking “fetch” button will provide
details relating to status of his/herrequest:
c) After
successfully serving the request at his/her doorstep, customer will be notified
via SMS and email.