

COVID-19 - Doorstep Service - SoP

1. Customer can submit the request in 2 different d ways.
a. Through Website URL http://ccc.cept.gov.in/covid/request.aspx.
b. Though Post Info App.
2. Customer must fill in the details such as Name, Address, Pincode, Email, Mobile Number, Type of Service required.
3. Before Submission of the request, Customer’s Mobile number will be verified using OTP. After launch of this service on 24.04.2020, many complaints received alleging that anonymous requests are being received with wrong mobile number. Hence OTP is added.
4. Once, Customer submits the request,  an unique Request ID is generated and the customer is notified through SMS and eMail.
5. Customer can track the status of his request through the same URL or Postinfo APP.

DoP Users:
1. Based on the Pincode entered by the Customer, requests will be available to the Divisional office in the Postman Mobile App (PMA) website  (URL: http://apps.indiapost.gov.in/pmamis/)
2. Divisions can attend to the request and update the status in the PMA website. In case of any further clarification/details, Divisional Control Rooms to contact the Customer to understand the request.
3. Circles and Regions can view the number of requests raised, number resolved Division wise.
4. Once the Division attends to the request and updates the same in PMA website,  a notification will be sent to the Customer through E-Mail and SMS.

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